Tuesday, 23 July 2013

HimBliss-Health Drink : Fuelling Mind Body and Soul

HimBliss-Health Drink

HimBliss is a unique combination of 9 powerful Fruits, herbs and flower. It is a very concentrated dietary juice which is rich in vitamins, minerals, anti oxidant, Omega acids, carotenoids, flavonoids, energy, etc. It is complete nutrition, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory, Immuno-Modulator, Cell Rejuvenator, Energy Drink And Body Revitalizer.

HimBliss offers health for everybody in your family addressing their respective nutrition needs and as a food supplement it helps in building immunity and maintaining overall nutrition which is Important for Optimum General Health and Well Being! It supplements essential nutritional requirement of human body and keeps it fit and healthy.

Why does HimBliss work?

Our body is regenerative, that is why the wound gets healed, Swelling gets reduced, Fever lowers etc. HimBliss is a combinations of very powerfuls fruits and plants. It provides all nutrients in high concentration which fulfills the daily requirement of the body. Today our food has such low contents of nutrients that our daily intake is not sufficient to meet the requirement. Example an individual needs multiple glasses of milk everyday to fulfill the daily requirement of Calcium which is not possible for an individual to consume.

The fruits and herbs in HimBliss fulfill that requirement. Along with that it provides Anti-Oxidant to fight free radicals generated due to pollution. It provides Flavanoids and Caretenoids. It provides almost all essential amino acids.

Product Philosophy

Welcome to the world of Health!!


In the world of pollution and chemicals, almost every human is bound to suffer from some medical problem. Shortage of nutrition, stressful lifestyle, excessive usage of chemicals in food and regular intake of oily and fat rich food leads to prolonged and chronic problems.
Why does disease happen?
According to medical research, 70% diseases are linked to some nutritional deficiency. It is like when a filter or sparkplug or any other part of a car malfunctions, it affects the performance of the car like Pickup, power, mileage etc. Likewise human body is a complex machinery of many parts. The primary fuel for these organs is vitamins and minerals. Supporting things are the flavanoids, caratenoids, amino acids etc. Now we know that today food is adulterated. High dosage of fertilizers, urea and pesticides are used to increase the yield. However, this decreases the nutritional content of the plant and also chemicals get added.
Why there is deficiency of nutrition in plants today?

In earlier times, majority of people were farmers and primary source of food was agriculture. Today 20% people are into farming and trying to produce food for 100% of the population, which is a herculean task. So we started using fertilizers, chemicals, urea and pesticides to increase the yield thus cutting short the ripening period. This introduced chemicals in our body. The quantity did increase but the nutritional content remained the same, thus leading to decrease in ration of nutrients in plants.

Secondly, our diet habits have changed today. We are more into fast foods which are oil rich thus increasing our fat, carbohydrates and protein content but there is deficiency of vitamins, minerals and other essential oil.
Health Benefits
  1. Provides all essential vitamins & minerals
  2. Provides instant energy
  3. Provides essential Amino Acid
  4. Provides Carotenoids & Flavonoids
  5. Provides Omega 3, 6, & 9
  6. Provides Anti-Oxidant

For Orders : Write us at : gainx2009@gmail.com

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